Vid kommande Lag-SM utgår klasserna damflorett och damsabel pga. för få anmälningar.
Vad gäller lagets möjlighet att byta fäktare så gäller nu regeln att en fäktare som har bytts ut kan komma tillbaka i lagmatchen men bara för att “byta tillbaka” mot den inbytte fäktaren.
Utdrag från reglementets O.42.10:
In the course of a match the captain of a team may ask to substitute for a fencer the reserve nominated before the start of the match. This substitution may only be made at the end of a bout. However, the fencer who has been replaced may fence one more time during that match, but only to replace the fencer who originally substituted him. This second replacement is not allowed if the first replacement has been made for the reasons listed in article o.44.11. [skada] No further substitution for a fencer on the piste is allowed, even in the case of an accident or unavoidable circumstances. The announcement that a fencer is to be substituted must be made at the latest before the beginning of the bout preceding the next bout of the fencer who is to be replaced and must be reported by the Referee to the opposing team captain.
Vänligen notera att tävlingen går i Eriksdalshallen!