All info inför NM i Espoo - Svensk Fäktning
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All info inför NM i Espoo

Klicka här för schema och mycket annan viktig info.

  • Confirmed competition schedule
  • Please note minor changes from original schedule
  • Result link
  • Payment of entry fees – no cash payments!
  • COVID-19 rules in Espoo
  • Initial ranking for the competition
  • Referee meetings at the venue
  • Weapon Control
  • Team competition
  • All participants, bring your own water bottle (BYOB)
  • Table reservations for hotel restaurant

We are pleased to confirm the Nordic Championships, which will be arranged as planned in Espoo 23.-24.10.2021 for epee youth and sabre all categories.

We will have be approx. 650 competitions starts – one third more that last time in Sandefjord + Reykjavik 😊. Thank you so much for all your help with the early registrations!

Please find below import information:

Travel to Finland

With the increased vaccination situation Finland is now opening and restrictions are slowly cancelled. For travelers arriving from Schengen countries there are so travel restrictions and no covid-19 testing if you have 

  • a full vaccine course certificate or
  • a reliable certificate of recovery from COVID-19 within the past six months.

For all other travelers coming from Schengen countries the arrival requires a negative PCR test certificate and the procedure after arrival depending on your countries covid-19 situation (color of country).

We strongly recommend all participants to early register on
After registration you will get a country specific information regarding your travel to Finland. The system will allow you to book possible necessary covid-19 tests. Read more Guidelines for border traffic during pandemic – The Finnish Border Guard (

If you need a negative PCR test certificate for your return travel pls be in contact with Lena latest 15.10. 

Please note that the organizers will closer to the event publish competition specific covid-19 rules, which must be applied by all participants.

Final entry deadline 8.10.

Please send possible corrections and cancellations to  
Additional entries will be accepted/confirmed only if the schedule allows (waiting list).
Please also confirm your team participation and team fencers by 8.10. (epee U20 women and men, sabre senior women and men). Changes of team fencers will be allowed until Saturday 16:00

Confirmed daily schedule

The final daily schedule will be confirmed after final entry deadline! For your travel planningplease be informed that on Saturday the competition is planned to finish by 18:00 (+/- 1h), and on Sunday epee is finished by 16:00 and sabre by 17:00.
Sabre U13 category will be fenced as a mixed category for both girls and boys.
Sabre veteran women category is cancelled, only one entry.


Det är nu dags att planera betalning av startavgifter och arrangören ber alla att i möjligaste mån gå samman och betala klubbvis eller i större grupper, oavsett vilken betalningsform man väljer.

Som tidigare meddelats gäller följande avgifter för svenska fäktare.

  • Deltagare på värja och sabel i klasserna U17, U20 och Senior ska betala 30 EUR per start.
  • Deltagare på värja och sabel i klasserna U13, U15 och Veteran ska betala 45 EUR per start.

Betala med betalkort på plats i tävlingshallen. Betala tillsammans per klubb eller en större grupp. Ingen kontantbetalning i tävlingshallen.

Det går också bra att be arrangören om en faktura för hela klubben och då betala via banköverföring. Kontakta i så fall Lena Tallroth-Kock

Svenska Fäktförbundet hanterar lagstartsavgifterna för de uttagna förstalagen.

Utrustningskraven liknar mycket de på svenska tävlingar men med nya nackbandet som krav på U17 och äldre men inte på U15 eller yngre.

We hope to see you all in Espoo 😊

Kind regards,

Lena, Joonas, Terho and the organizing clubs

Toiminnanjohtaja / Verksamhetsledare / General Secretary




Phone: +358 50 336 2464 

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