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Nytt från VM: Världsmästare får ej fäkta

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Russians Kolobkov to late in Habana

Montag, 06.10.2003, 08:59

Betreff: World Champion will not be able to defend his title in Cuba Absender: “Jochen Faerber” Empfänger: “FIE Media” Kopie-Empfänger: “Media2003 Cuba” Datum: 06. Oct 2003 08:08

——————————————————————————– Cuba: The Russian Epee Fencer Pavel KOLOBKOV who won last years World Championships in Lisbon, will not be able to defend his title this year in Cuba. The Russian Top fencer as well as his team mates Ekaterina YUCHEVA and Svetlana Boiko (Foil) got stocked in Paris due to a 24 hours delay of an Air France flight.

“Fencers have to present themselves one day before the competition starts”, says a rule of the International Fencing Federation (FIE). As the competition (Qualification) started already on Sunday, Kolobkov and the others could not present themselves on-time.

Anyhow the Bureau of the FIE had decided to add those fencers into the Direct-Elimination-Table of the best 64 fencers, taking place only on Monday, October 6th. Each fencer belonging to the Top 16 in the World is automatically seated in this table of 64.

Later some federations (about five within each weapon) complained about that decision and put official protests down. The bureau had therefore to cancel the participation of the top Russian Fencers again according to the rules. (This decision can only be allowed, if there is not one protestation).

The first decision (of bringing the Russians back to competition) was made by taking account of the FIE’s Ethic and Spirit of sportmanship and Fair Play. «A spirit which should be motivating to all participants», said FIE President René Roch and his Bureau members.

Secondly the requirement to be present one day, applies for the World Championships. It was made to avoid exempting fencers who would not be present for that direct elimination (Table of 64) This was not the case with Pavel Kolobkov, who was by that time already in a plane bringing him to the World Championships.

(by Jochen Färber, FIE)

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