Beslutet fattades vid exekutivkommitténs möte den 6 februari 2010.
Further to the urgent letter 15-09, the FIE has received the conclusions (attached) of the
Sabic Innovative Plastic lab (NED) , relative to the mask damaged in Odense. This lab points out two major facts:
– the analysed visor presents stresses linked to its making (injection moulding, instead of hot bend and cold setting recommended by the FIE); stress marks clearly appear at the plastic injection juncture points;
– due to the lack of protection coating against deterioration and scratches, the visor presented several significant scratches.
And moreover, some manufacturing standards imposed by the FIE Equipment Rules have not been completely adhered to.
Therefore, the Executive Committee has decided to suspend and forbid, until further notice, the use of the transparent visor mask both in foil and epee, at all FIE official competitions.
The FIE will set up a working group (SEMI Commission, manufacturers, specialised institute) whose objectives will be the following:
– reinforce the standards imposed by the FIE Rules (i.e. make mandatory what was recommended or optional);
– establish systematic verification processes during the equipment control;
– enlarge the security standards.
Förbudet gäller även svensk fäktning.